Mental Freedom for Sportspeople
Freeing Your Mind –The Route to Enhanced Performance in Sport
It’s not easy being a sports coach or manager. After all, you’re responsible for training and developing your athletes, and when things go wrong, you’re first in line for the blame, too. It’s hardly surprising that sometimes you struggle to remain focused, energetic and motivated.
Imagine if you could free your mind from overthinking or self-limiting beliefs, allowing yourself to be present. How much time would you get back, and how would you use it? It is easy to get drawn into the notion that results somehow say something about us as human beings, but this is not truth!
It is a game-changer when coaches and officials experience psychological freedom to explore what’s possible in their chosen sport without judgement of themselves and others.
How transformative coaching can help you…
With over 30 years’ experience in elite sports performance, engaging in transformative conversations with coaches and managers at club, regional, national and professional levels, I can help you to:
- Understand the content of your thinking in a new way so that you’re no longer afraid of your moods.
- Uncover what causes self-image and identity issues that keep you stuck.
- Live, coach and play freely rather than struggle and strive to make it to the next level.
- Harness your love for the sport and capacity for great coaching amidst uncertainty and change.
- Enhance your relationships on and off the pitch, and know when to change course!
- Identify your triggers and insecurities quickly; resolve conflict with ease and grace.
- Coach your players to be their coach, wise and resilient, and avoid inflicting your beliefs on others.