Mark Harris

I reached out to Denise when my world seemed to be falling apart. I had recently received a diagnosis of two different types of cancer; my son was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer and had little time to live. I did not know how to process all of this, and my mental state spiralled! Within ten minutes of quiet time with Denise, [...]

2020-06-21T15:27:49+01:00April 8th, 2019|

Vicky Norman

Meeting Denise was perfect timing, written in the stars, foretold, whatever. My world was falling apart, my marriage had ended, my child was in serious trouble, and I was upping sticks and moving up North to run the biggest, most complex project of my career. Four months later, my project is an astonishing success, my marriage is back on track, [...]

2020-04-14T15:15:40+01:00April 8th, 2019|

Adam Ashe

Denise has the skills and experience to wake people up to deeper knowledge about themselves. In the sporting arena, this knowledge happens to be crucially important.

2020-06-21T15:09:42+01:00April 8th, 2019|

Matthew Roberts

I was fortunate enough to have a conversation with Denise over a cup of coffee when we met in America. It would be easy to accuse me of exaggeration or sensationalising by making the following statement, but I can only offer you the truth as I see it. The truth is that those few minutes changed my life. I had [...]

2021-11-22T20:31:49+00:00April 8th, 2019|

Jack Pransky

Denise Holland is one of my best "students." She is one of the few students I have asked to teach with me, and I was and remain very impressed with her presence, her knowledge, her wisdom, her feeling and her responsiveness. I would say anyone who works with Denise is in excellent hands.

2021-07-30T12:28:14+01:00April 8th, 2019|
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