Bite-Sized Wisdom | Stop! Don’t Ruminate

Find yourself ruminating on situations that haven't happened yet? Have a listen to today's bite-sized wisdom for some fresh insight on this common habit of thought. ❤️ I've recorded a short version in video and a longer version for my Live & Play Freely Podcast below. What People Say [...]

2022-04-08T13:16:49+01:00March 24th, 2022|

Bite-Sized Wisdom | Mistakes & Letting Your Sports Team Down

It's normal to make mistakes and feel like you're letting your team down. Have a look at those thoughts. Is there a different way to look at this? I hope this bite-sized wisdom can support you. ❤️ If you like these videos, click here to subscribe to my channel on Youtube to be notified every time I post [...]

2022-04-08T13:19:00+01:00March 23rd, 2022|

Bite-Sized Wisdom | Getting On With Most People, Except…

Although you may feel you get on with most people, there is that 'one' person on your team that gets to you. I hope these bite-sized words of wisdom can support you in finding another way to look at this. ❤️ If you like these videos, click here to subscribe to my channel on Youtube to be notified [...]

2022-04-08T13:22:09+01:00March 22nd, 2022|

Bite-Sized Wisdom | Dealing with Disappointment as a Coach

It's up to the players to get results, but as a coach you find yourself still beating yourself up when they lose. I hope this bite-sized wisdom will help you look at this a different way. ❤️ If you like these videos, click here to subscribe to my channel on Youtube to be notified every time I post [...]

2022-04-08T13:23:22+01:00March 19th, 2022|
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