Joe Bailey shares with Denise Holland his new book - THRIVING IN THE EYE OF THE HURRICANE - UNLOCKING RESILIENCE IN TURBULENT TIMES. "There are no mistakes, there is only the revelation of the inner self" JOE BAILEY’S LIFE PURPOSE IS TO HELP PEOPLE FIND TRUE HAPPINESS AND PEACE OF [...]

2021-10-11T14:54:37+01:00October 11th, 2021|

How to navigate blindspots or do the best you can when you feel terrible?

INSIGHT allows us to create a new reality rather than the need to change and control our current one! This can be described as a rise in Consciousness, such that the old reality is rendered obsolete. Problems that existed before the insight are now gone; things look entirely different - how [...]

2021-07-19T13:38:07+01:00July 19th, 2021|

The Art of Clarity in a Crisis – Know Thyself!

 During this Coronavirus, it's common to want to feel better, get some relief, worry less and experience hope even amidst uncertainty and dramatic change, but where should you look? What do you usually do when you feel uncomfortable? Most people seem to up their game, and change something or someone out there, very few would look inside to the [...]

2020-06-01T22:42:00+01:00April 18th, 2020|
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