What does living a heart-led life mean? If life feels difficult, hard and always against you, then this short 30-minute session with guest Bec Sheffield, offers hope that you can live life differently, with more peace of mind and clarity, connected to our creative source, the heart and soul behind all human life.

Amanda O’Shea – The Loving-Life Coach from The Serendipity Experience. With over 25 years of experience in the provision of holistic healthcare, Amanda feels a dedication to mental health coaching. She speaks at international conferences, worldwide webinars and podcasts, and creates retreats across Europe. Amanda has worked exclusively in the world of addiction and recovery for the past few years. She has a passion for bringing her experience from this role, for sharing in the form of prevention, to young people, parents and teachers. In 2019 Amanda joined the “iheart” team as a facilitator as they launched in Spain and feels inspired to help solve the mental health crisis.
Her infectious passion for life and the ability to see the innate resilience in people is reflected in her unique ability to listen and connect deeply. Her smiley disposition and loving manner bring much positivity to this conversation.
Stephen Desborough is a Performance Coach and has been director of Performance Coach UK Ltd since 2006. It was whilst Stephen was working as a financial futures trader in the City he saw his performance and well being was being influenced by his state of mind and not as he thought by the outside world. Without realising it at the time his new career path began. It was then that he committed his new career/life to learn more about the human mind.
Stephen followed this interest, which led to him training as a hypnotherapist initially, progressing on to complete his qualification as a master practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) along with training in many other forms of Psychology along the way. In 2010 Stephen discovered the understanding of the Three Principles, (Mind, Consciousness and Thought) which is described as the foundation behind all human experience and the underpinning of all Psychology. In short, this provides the blueprint to how the human mind works.
He combines his understanding of the business world and his knowledge of the Three Principles to guide his clients toward seeing the magnificence that resides within.
The situation causes me to feel stressed, anxious or depressed.
I am stuck with it or need to deal or cope with how I feel, and that’s exhausting.
The circumstance needs to change before I can feel better, and when it’s out of my control, I feel hopeless!
It might look like these are true, but that’s not the case; it’s a trick of the mind. Look deeper, and you’ll see how experience works moment to moment for all human beings; it is not inflicted upon us; it is a creation of the human mind and projected out into the world. Life has our back, yet at times, this isn’t easy to believe, which inspired this short session with Bec Sheffield. You have the power within to live the life you want to live, with freedom of mind, contentment, and joy. It will not always go the way you want it, but you can get insight into where to look for guidance, clarity and peace.
Eyes for Insight
As human life, you are built to withstand feelings. Sit back, get curious, heighten your awareness, notice how your experience changes and nothing else about the situation has changed. Take a breath, and listen to that inner voice guiding you through life. Know that you are always OK, and absolutely enough, life does not need to be earned; it is your birthright! You’ve got this; blindspots are temporary, the mind is designed to clear all by itself – let go!
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