INSIGHT allows us to create a new reality rather than the need to change and control our current one! This can be described as a rise in Consciousness, such that the old reality is rendered obsolete. Problems that existed before the insight are now gone; things look entirely different – how powerful is this as a mechanism for change?
The situation or circumstance causes me to feel low.
I am stuck with it or need to deal or cope with the way I feel.
The situation needs to change before I can feel better.
It might look like all these are true, but it’s nothing more than a trick of the mind. Look deeper, and you’ll see how experience works moment to moment for all human beings. If you can see the truth of how it works, you’ll be free and not take your thinking so seriously if it doesn’t serve you! You have the power within to bring thoughts to life, irrespective of circumstance.
Eyes for insight
As human life, you are built to withstand feelings. Sit back, get curious, heighten your awareness, notice how your experience changes and nothing else about the situation has changed. Take a breath, and listen to that inner voice guiding you through life. Know that you are always OK, and absolutely enough, life does not need to be earned; it is your birthright! You’ve got this; blindspots are temporary, the mind is designed to clear all by itself – let go!
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