Joe Bailey – Thriving in the Eye of the Hurricane
Unlocking Resilience in Turbulent Times Joe Bailey, licensed psychologist, trainer of therapists, and author of six books talks with Denise Holland about the impact on people's lives through [...]
Joe Bailey shares with Denise Holland his new book - THRIVING IN THE EYE OF THE HURRICANE - UNLOCKING RESILIENCE IN TURBULENT TIMES. "There [...]
Living a Heart Led Life
What does living a heart-led life mean? If life feels difficult, hard and always against you, then this short 30-minute session [...]
How to navigate blindspots or do the best you can when you feel terrible?
INSIGHT allows us to create a new reality rather than the need to change and control our current one! This can [...]
Sports Shoes for Girls in Uganda
Girls in Uganda struggle to cope with the basic natural occurrence of the monthly menstrual cycle; they do not have the [...]
Disappointment doesn’t mean disaster
One insight and every part of my life changed without effort. What appeared a complete disaster in my sporting life, one moment of profound realisation and a more [...]
The most important thing is….!
I am delighted to be part of the Hay House Writing Community. My involvement is helping me to manifest my book; YOU-TURN - Take the power [...]
Every Cloud Has a Silver Lining – Even the Covid Pandemic!
The lockdown has changed our lives in many ways, but not all bad; I've made the most amazing connections on-line, with beautiful people all over the [...]
Whose Mind Would You Rather Not Be in Right Now?
This week the world has witnessed Harry and Meghan, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex, express their pain and heartache experienced over the past few years. [...]
Out of the mouths of babes
I am in awe of what comes from nothing, like these saplings that grow into great trees; an idea appears in your mind, and if you [...]
Break the painful shackles that keep you stuck
Take power back over your mind and break the painful shackles that keep you stuck. Early January, I went into partnership with the local [...]
Expansion or Crisis over Cancelled Events or Sales
Take power back over your mind and break the painful shackles that keep you stuck. Early January, I went into partnership with the local [...]