024 – Beyond Doubt and Hesitation

When circumstances seem as if they have the power to make you feel a particular way, i.e. assuming that it is inevitable, you should feel like this given my situation - think again! This week Denise found herself in a slightly uncomfortable feeling, and if she didn't know any better, i.e. not to be concerned with the way she was [...]

2019-04-13T11:49:59+01:00April 11th, 2019|

023 – Effective Relationship – Get Over Yourself!

Ever wondered if the level of your mental noise is normal? How often do you beat yourself up, either for not saying what you wanted to say or for saying something that you later regret? How would you grade yourself when it comes to creating effective relationships, whether in sport, business or personal life? Is it always someone else's fault? [...]

2019-04-13T11:50:11+01:00April 11th, 2019|

022 – Performance Comes Naturally Why Force It?

We know the mind has something to do with Performance, so we inadvertently try to forecast, then manage our mindset, state, or mood, ahead of time. What if our mental activity is not a problem in and of itself? What if the content of our mind, is understood not to be significant and relevant? What if athletes didn't care or [...]

2019-04-13T11:29:41+01:00April 10th, 2019|

Coaching Connect Inside Out – Podcast

 How can you motivate yourself to perform at your best? Is there a way of switching on and tapping into inspiration? This week, James Ogle who’s just graduated in Civil Engineering is asking the questions. He wants to know how we can access this place of inspiration and flow on demand. Denise Holland, a high-performance coach in the world [...]

2019-04-10T10:12:36+01:00April 10th, 2019|

021 – Dr George Pransky – You Have Nothing to Sell (Pt 4/4)

Dr George Pransky in an interview with Denise Holland taken from our webinar titled 'Achieving Performance Excellence in Elite Sport'. Participants on the webinar, Former National Cricket Coach, Richard Pybus and Performance Coach, Graham Turner, specialising in rehabilitation and recovery, ask George about ways in which to help sportspeople hear this revolutionary understanding of how the human mind works to [...]

2019-04-13T11:29:26+01:00April 10th, 2019|

020 – Dr George Pransky – Evolving the Elite Training Environment (ETE) (Pt 3/4)

Dr George Pransky and Denise Holland discuss the so-called Elite/Daily Training Environment (ETE/DTE). What changes are we likely to see when sports coaches look in the direction of the Truth of how human beings experience life, (Inside Out)? A critical area of this discussion is the topic of motivation and the traditional use of interventions, and techniques to raise our [...]

2019-04-13T11:33:26+01:00April 10th, 2019|

019 – Dr George Pransky – Beyond Resistance & Taking People There! (Pt 2/4)

If an understanding of the Three Principles has impacted your life, it is highly likely that you would like to share it with others. Your life has transformed, more essential communications, improved relationships, increased confidence and higher levels of productivity and effectiveness. So why when it comes to sharing such a wonderful gift with prospective clients, does it feel like [...]

2019-04-13T11:26:38+01:00April 10th, 2019|

018 – Interview with Dr George Pransky – Achieving Performance Excellence in Sport (Pt 1/4)

Dr George Pransky from Pransky & Associates is Denise's mentor, he explains what it is behind the genius ability of all athletes, and the fact that an understanding of this is available to everyone. Instead of traditional psychological approaches, i.e., dealing with a specific concern, e.g., coping with pressure, George points you towards relating to your thinking in a different [...]

2019-04-13T11:26:31+01:00April 10th, 2019|

017 – Adam Ashe – Stress-free Relationships (Pt 4/4)

 The concluding part of the conversation with Glasgow Warrior Adam Ashe, he generously shares how his relationships with family members have positively transformed since gaining an understanding of the real cause of the human experience, i.e., Thought in the moment and nothing else, not what people do or say, situations or circumstance. Adam and Denise both share the point [...]

2019-04-13T11:26:25+01:00April 10th, 2019|

016 – Adam Ashe – The X Factor (Pt 3/4)

At the heart of the human performance, there is a space of 'natural change', a place where change happens effortlessly and spontaneously. In this session, Adam Ashe gets an insight into skills and practises and their relevance to his performance at each moment. Often, athletes with flair and the so-called X-factor are labelled as unique, and given license to run [...]

2019-04-13T11:26:17+01:00April 10th, 2019|
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