This week the world has witnessed Harry and Meghan, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex, express their pain and heartache experienced over the past few years. The Royal Family have responded, clearly saddened by what the royal couple has gone through and wish to resolve their differences, not publicly but privately as any family would prefer!
Oh, how quick are we all to judge and form an opinion. Should they have come out or stayed silent?
Don’t get me wrong, I know it has implications for the Monarchy but isn’t it about time we realised that our Royal Family are, in fact, human beings. Yes, they are born or marry into a life of privilege in terms of wealth, status, role and lifestyle, but this doesn’t make them superhuman. They are as much part of nature and life as you and I and equally subject to the ups and downs of a relationship, no matter how public and complex!
For me, this exposure highlights the enormous pressure our Royal Family endure, living up to our expectations, which does not allow them to falter or fail in any way. Royal does not in my mind mean ‘perfection’, nor does it infer they must be without emotions or feelings. If this is what we are expecting, then we currently support a Monarchy to act rather than live and for our guilty pleasures and satisfaction.
Whose mind would you rather not be in, and whose would you like to live?
It’s good to reflect on this question, as it allows you to examine the quality of the mind you keep, how often you feel anxious and stressed, or full of joy and contentment. It helps you to notice how often you live in judgement of yourself or others. When do you show a random act of kindness, or most get annoyed and with whom. What you are waiting for, the beliefs you hold and rules you live by, what you feel entitled to, and so on!
Our consciousness’s content has a lot to answer for; it can get us into trouble or make someone’s day. Enquiring behind the scenes of our perception is a great way to observe what we are highly involved in, i.e. our state of mind in the moment and its corresponding response or behaviour, and nothing else! Suppose we can get even a glimpse of the human mind’s power to create an experience in us, together with an understanding of its transitory nature. In that case, we could shortcut the differences and reunite our hearts, minds and souls.
It seems that innate wisdom must and will prevail and let a family, albeit Royal, calm down and regain their balance and clarity. As human beings, wired with the capacity for a new perception, a change of heart at any moment, we can and do get over ourselves, exposing deeper feelings of humility, compassion, and understanding.
A rift is nothing more than people believing their thinking is anything other than a temporary, arbitrary, and changeful experience of Consciousness. On the other hand, making up, being heartfelt, and understanding is connective and supportive of each other’s state of mind in any given moment.
Let’s hope that which bonds us all as humankind prevails, and allows for a meeting of the minds, hearts and souls, not just for our Royal Family, but in all relationships gripped in mental and emotional torment of innocent personal thinking.
If you would like to learn about my work to help people suffer less and live with psychological, emotional and spiritual freedom, please get in touch.